
Abstracted black and white line drawing of grass.
black and white pen drawing of the house and scenery near the pond.
Watercolour painting of a lake and greenery
"Harvesting" by the guest artist Anastasia Popadinets
Different objects that are drawn as line drawings are arranged across a white square. They include grass, a cat, toys and a large tree.
Watercolour painting of the village's cultural centre house and the local kids on bikes in front of it
Watercolour painting of a dog in front of flowers
childish colour pencil drawing of a home, sun, cloud, fence and flowers
A line drawing of a church tower.
pencil drawing of an electricity pole
Digital drawing of blue orthodox church tower and clouds around it
pencil drawing of apartment buildings and trees around them
"Harvesting" by the guest artist Anastasia Popadinets
Childish colour pencil drawing of a house, fence, church tower clods and the sun
"Harvesting" by the guest artist Anastasia Popadinets
pencil drawing of a lake and pine trees around it
Watercolour painting of a girl and a man playing an instrument singing and drinking
pencil drawing of birch trees, clouds and sun
A hand-drawn map of Pushkino, showing the layout of the village, describing buildings, public areas, green areas and roads and pathways.
A line drawing of the Pushkino Style logo. Pushkino os written in large letters in the centre, and Style is written below. Two half circles with starts at the end - looking a bit like meteors - frame the words.
A black and white drawing of a birch trunk.
Watercolour painting of a cow in a grass field, house in background.
Watercolour painting of the blue church tower, clouds, near by bushes electricity wires